Sexually transmitted infection screenings & counseling
covers sexually transmitted infection screenings for chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis, and/or Hepatitis B if you’re pregnant or at increased risk for a sexually transmitted infection
Medicare also covers up to 2 face-to-face, high-intensity behavioral counseling sessions if you’re a sexually active adult at increased risk for these infections. Each session can be 20-30 minutes long.
Medicare covers sexually transmitted infection screenings once every 12 months, or at certain times during pregnancy. Medicare covers up to 2 behavioral counseling sessions each year.
Your costs in Original Medicare
You pay nothing for the screenings and counseling if your primary care doctor or provider accepts .
Things to know
Your primary care doctor or other health care provider must order the screening or refer you for behavioral counseling. Medicare will only cover counseling sessions with a Medicare-eligible primary care doctor or health care provider in a primary care setting (like a doctor’s office). Medicare won't cover counseling as a preventive service in an inpatient setting (like a skilled nursing facility).